So, if you didn't guess from the title, I'm bored in the airport. I have to say it's not a bad airport, it's massive and very bright and comfortable. There's lots to see and do, there's your standard airport chocolates and duty free, but there's also a screen across from me to play PS4 so the kids running around aren't annoying me too much. I've exhausted things to do, I've been over schoolwork, listened to hours of music, looked in the shop, and now I'm bored and slightly uncomfortable from having sat in the same chair for the last two hours. My gate should be open in about twenty minutes, but they're still boarding the previous flight and my plane is delayed, so i reckon I'll be sat here a bit longer. I have to say, I've never been more thankful for my headphones than right now. The fact that they're noise cancelling is usually lost on me when I'm home and it's quiet around me anyway, but here, it's makin...
Thoughts, feelings and general ramblings of a curly haired gal