Since we're all stuck inside for lockdown, many people are currently baking to pass the time, including me! So, Curly Cooks is a series on the various items that I'm making while on lockdown, most of which will carry personal stories. Today's recipe is the French Palmier. Curly Cooks: Palmiers Palmiers are a simple French biscuit made of puff pastry, and, like most French sweets, they are delicious. They were something I ate fairly frequently living in Paris, as they were one of the pre-made packaged goodies that were provided where I worked. Recently I was reminiscing about my time abroad and I decided that I wanted to try my hand at making some of the treats that I miss eating, just like these tasty little cookies. Not only are they simple in taste, but they are also super simple to make. If you use pre-made puff pastry like me, there are only two ingredients needed: the pastry, and brown sugar. Personally I don't kno...
Thoughts, feelings and general ramblings of a curly haired gal