You might be wondering: what has shaving got to do with anything? Well, I got news for you. It's a big topic right now. And I have opinions. Let's get started. Curly Hair, What's in There? : Shaving Some people have asked me recently why I've stopped shaving under my arms. My answer: it's for nobody but my damn self. I'm still shaving my legs, because I feel a lot more comfortable when they are shaved. But, under my arms somehow doesn't matter as much. It started from a couple of Instagram accounts I started following, called @bodyposipanda and @florencegiven . Megan Crabbe is an advocate for body positivity and being comfortable in your own skin, and she is such an inspiration. View this post on Instagram I will probably go out screaming this until I run out of breath but: YOU WERE MADE FOR MORE THAN HOW YOU LOOK. • You were not put on this earth to chase the beauty standard. You do not...
Thoughts, feelings and general ramblings of a curly haired gal