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Curly Hair, What's in There? : Shaving

You might be wondering: what has shaving got to do with anything? Well, I got news for you. It's a big topic right now. And I have opinions. Let's get started.

Curly Hair, What's in There? : Shaving

Some people have asked me recently why I've stopped shaving under my arms. My answer: it's for nobody but my damn self.
 I'm still shaving my legs, because I feel a lot more comfortable when they are shaved. But, under my arms somehow doesn't matter as much.

It started from a couple of Instagram accounts I started following, called @bodyposipanda and @florencegiven.
Megan Crabbe is an advocate for body positivity and being comfortable in your own skin, and she is such an inspiration.

I will probably go out screaming this until I run out of breath but: YOU WERE MADE FOR MORE THAN HOW YOU LOOK. • You were not put on this earth to chase the beauty standard. You do not exist to be visually appealing to others. Your purpose does not lie in the numbers you measure yourself by, or the time spent sculpting yourself into a different shape. There is more. You are more. I want you to realise how much more and then I want you to go and get it. • Go and pour yourself into the passions that truly set your soul alight. Go and teach yourself all the things you've ever been curious about. Go and explore the places you never felt like you deserved to be in. Go and fight for the causes that the world needs you to fight for. Go and get your more. And never for a second doubt whether you deserve it, because you always have. 💜💙💚🌈☀️ • [image description: a tweet that reads "The goal isn't being so in love with your body that it's all you ever think about. The goal is giving so few fucks about how your body looks that you're able to go and do all of the other magical, scary, world-shifting, important shit that you were made to do. Go."] #bodypositive #edrecovery #recoveryispossible #feminism #bodyconfidence #selfworth
A post shared by Megan Jayne Crabbe 🐼 (@bodyposipanda) on

Florence, or Floss, is all about being confident and looking good for your own damn self. Floss draws these incredible comics about positivity and self love, and she also constantly posts stories of herself dancing and she is so cool. Floss doesn't shave under her arms, a fact she seems proud of, as she should be.

I also saw a character in a netflix show that didn't shave, and I felt such respect for that decision. So, after seeing these people with hair there, I decided to do it too.

It feels so freeing, so liberating and so empowering to decide to stop shaving. It's a small step to feeling full body positive, but I feel so good about myself, and I honestly love the feeling of this freedom. It's a small feminist gesture but it seems significant to me, and I'm proud to have unshaved underarms.

I stopped shaving a couple of weeks before the famous model and actress Emily Ratajkowski posted this:
And it made me feel even more powerful, like I was ahead of this trend. Plus, her caption sums up my reasons pretty well.

Some people have asked me if it's temporary, I'm not going to stop shaving there forever am I? My answer was that I honestly don't know. I like the feeling of it and if I enjoy it, why should I start shaving again just to make other people feel more comfortable?

Everything these days has much less of a stigma, and women have more rights (sometimes, as I've previously been angry about) and can be more open about things. This is just one of those things and by stopping shaving I'm just exercising my right to do whatever the hell I want with my body, because it's my body.

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