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Curly Hair, What's in There: The Abortion Ban

Strap yourselves in guys, because I have a hell of a lot of opinions and they're very strong ones.

If you read the news or any social media outlet ever, you'll know that a bunch of US states, namely Ohio, Georgia and Alabama, have this week passed a law banning abortion from six weeks of pregnancy onwards, with states like Mississipi and Missouri right on their heels. That's when most women who wouldn't want a child will know they're pregnant. It gives them zero chance to make their own choice, because the ban states that a doctor performing the procedure or the woman having it could face up to 99 years in prison. You'd say okay, that's fair, if you're liberal but pro-life, but if you have any feelings or have any idea the full extent to which this is happening, it's damn well not.
Protesters in DC

First of all, the law was passed with 25 votes, and every single yes vote was made by an old, white man. I'm shocked and appalled at this fact; men should not be creating and voting on issues that concern only women. It's an unbelievably unfair situation and it makes me so angry that those in power will in no way be affected by what they've voted for.

Voting to ban abortion will not stop abortions from happening. Banning legal abortion only bans safe abortion. People will still get illegal procedures and they will be far more likely to die, or be seriously injured in the procedure.

The majority of women do not have abortions for selfish reasons. Yes, some do it because they do not want a child, but a lot of times that is for a good reason. They don't want to bring a child into this crazy messed up world, or they do it for the good of the child, who could be born into poverty or into a terrible situation, and the mother doesn't want to inflict that on them.
Read this thread for some excellent points^^

They could be born to go directly into the system, and grow up with a rough life, ending up dying on the street. They could be seriously disabled, and die weeks into their life. When they are born, they and/or their mother could be at a huge risk of dying. Whatever the reason, it is valid. Men, or other women, do not need to have a say on what a woman does with her body. It is her body and her decision to make.
People worry, saying it's good because it's dangerous to perform an abortion after twelve weeks, but that fact is that 99 percent of abortions that happen after the first twelve weeks are for perfecly reasonable medical reasons. It's to save the life of the mother, the woman who is actually living and breathing, who will be able to continue her life rather than neither her or the baby being able to live. People say at six weeks the baby has a heartbeat, and something with a heartbeat is alive and doesn't deserve to be killed. The same people will pull the plug on their relative who is braindead, even if they still have a heartbeat. It's so backwards and very unreasonable to say things like this.
The heartbeat part is something that makes me angry. Some are saying that it is ok to perform an abortion if the baby has no detectable heartbeat. It's not. Most medical professionals will refuse to perform the procedure with no hearbeat detected because it makes it so much more dangerous. With a heartbeat, it is the only sure way to know where the fetus is, and be able to perform the abortion successfully and safely.

That's my thoughts on general abortion, but don't even get me started on some of the other issues.
Too late.
Rape is a very very very valid reason for a woman to get an abortion. Whether it's by a stranger or someone they know, if they were forced into conceiving this child, they should be allowed to abort it. Whether it's because they simply do not want it, or because it will forever be a reminder of their suffering and the fact that they are a rape survivor, whatever the reason, it. Is. Fucking. Valid. But, the law says that women who get an abortion for whatever reason will be punished, perhaps even with the death penalty. A punishment far more serious than what is given for rape, which is a fundamentally much worse crime. Oh, and it's all rape: a baby conceived through incestuous rape is banned from abortion too. That's right, in Alabama if a young girl, no matter how young, is impregnated by her terrible father or uncle or whoever, she is legally obligated to give birth to that child. It makes me sick how incredibly restrictive and unfair these laws are.
If you don't believe me about how backwards some of these sons (and daughters) of bitches are ^^^

Another thing a lot of people feign to mention is how it affects the trans community. Yes a bill has been recently passed banning homo-, bi-, and transphobia, and the trans community has more rights than they ever have. But the same fundamental human rights are being stripped away. A pre-operation trans man, may now not be able to get the surgery he so badly needs. He might not have access to the hormones he is taking. His body, by the government, is still considered female, and will be oppressed by his government. A trans woman, post operation, is now oppressed by her government. A trans woman, pre operation, cannot get access to the hormones she needs or the operation she wishes to undergo. She is disrespected under the basis of her being a biological man, and being a transgender woman. It is sickening to see the disrespect and oppression that will be forced upon the trans community.

Another thing the law is banning is birth control. That's right ladies, no more pill for you. But, men can still get prescribed viagra for free. Women are not allowed to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy because that's a 'choice', but men need to be able to get hard, it's a basic right! Those old white men passing these laws can suck a dick.

The fact is, based on all of what's happening, those passing these laws are not, as they call it, pro-life. They are anti-women. As soon as that child is born, they won't care if they're disabled or born into poverty. They'll continue to tax the parents and get more money for themselves. It is legitimately a war on women, and after all of the strides that have been taken in the last hundred years, it is so disheartening to see these states set back women's rights so much, and strip them of their fundamental human rights.
Something funny for a quick breather (she got suspended for this and honestly worth it)

It's not just happening in the United States either. The laws are just as bad, if not worse, right next door in Ireland. Something needs to be done, because women deserve to choose what happens to their body. It's nobody's business but their own. I'm constantly so fucking angry about all of this and I can't even begin to imagine how awful and terrifying it must be to be a woman in these states right now. It's legitimately some Handmaid's Tale bullshit and I can't believe that the world is coming to this. The most developed country in the world has got the human rights of an underdeveloped country a hundred years ago. It's so backwards and it needs to be reversed.

If you want to help these women, please donate to:
For women in Ohio:
For Georgia:
For Alabama:
For all over the US:
For UK and Ireland:
For rape survivors:

Or if you're in the US, there are hundreds of womens' marches happening this Tuesday May 21st. Please get involved and help these women whose lives are being controlled.
Sums it all up really.


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