So now the spoiler ban on Avengers Endgame is well and truly lifted, and I actually have time to write, I'm gonna start dealing with some of the major parts of it. We're gonna start big and tackle the dead. So, as we know, there were many major characters killed, in both this movie and Infinity War, and some come back and some do not. We're here to break that down. Some of it I don't fully understand, because of the repercussions of the time travel in this movie, but I'm gonna do my best, and if you wanna question me or correct me or explain stuff to me, please do. Right, we're gonna start this bitch off with Vision. Many people were confused by the fact that Vision didn't come back at the end of the movie. It's a valid question, because the mind stone was taken by Steve from Loki's sceptre, and returned by him later so that there would be no extra timelines, as the Ancient One so beautifully explained (much better than me). But, Steve didn...
Thoughts, feelings and general ramblings of a curly haired gal