Since we're all stuck inside for lockdown, many people are currently baking to pass the time, including me! So, Curly Cooks is a series on the various items that I'm making while on lockdown, most of which will carry personal stories. Today's recipe is another memory of Paris: Pain aux Raisins. Curly Cooks: Pain aux Raisins Jump to simple recipe Way back in 2019, when I lived in Paris (did I mention I lived in France) I used to eat Pain aux Raisins All The Time. I couldn't get over the amazing flaky, buttery pastry, the smooth creamy filling and the tasty scattered raisins. My coworkers would often laugh at me for saying the word 'raisin' in a very English accent compared to the first two words in the name of this pastry, but I didn't care, I'd just laugh and eat another! It's a bit of a trickier recipe as it involves making your own custard, but it's worth it in the end. ...
Thoughts, feelings and general ramblings of a curly haired gal