Since we're all stuck inside for lockdown, many people are currently baking to pass the time, including me! So, Curly Cooks is a series on the various items that I'm making while on lockdown, most of which will carry personal stories. Today's recipe is another memory of Paris: Pain aux Raisins.
Curly Cooks: Pain aux Raisins
Way back in 2019, when I lived in Paris (did I mention I lived in France) I
used to eat Pain aux Raisins All The Time. I couldn't get over the amazing
flaky, buttery pastry, the smooth creamy filling and the tasty scattered
raisins. My coworkers would often laugh at me for saying the word 'raisin'
in a very English accent compared to the first two words in the name of this
pastry, but I didn't care, I'd just laugh and eat another! It's a bit of a
trickier recipe as it involves making your own custard, but it's worth it in
the end.
First of all, you want to separate two eggs and mix the yolks in with 45g
of granulated sugar. Once smooth, mix in 10g each of plain flour and
cornflour, to make a sort of yellow paste.
Next, pour 200ml of milk into a saucepan with a dash of vanilla extract,
and put it on the hob to boil. Once it's started bubbling, pour it slowly
into the egg mixture, whisking as you go (if possible), then transfer this
mixture back to the hob, keeping it on a low flame until it has thickened
into a a lovely creamy custard.
Put the custard back in the bowl and refridgerate it for around an
While it is cooling, you can prepare the pastry. Roll out your premade puff
pastry into a large rectangle, making sure to roll it out lengthways so that
you can roll it up easier later.
Once the custard is cooled, spread it over the surface of the pastry, but
not too thickly or close to the edges or it will all spill out of the ends
(I learned this the hard way).
Sprinkle on your raisins, then roll it up. Cut 1cm thick slices out of the
roll and place them on a baking sheet.
Egg wash if possible then cook them in a 180C oven for 20
Prep time: 1h 30 Cook time: 20 mins Serves: 1-20
250g premade puff pastry
150g raisins
For the Custard:
2 egg yolks
45g granulated sugar
10g plain flour
10g cornstarch
200ml milk
1tsp vanilla extract
1. Mix together egg yolks and sugar until smooth.
2. Add in plain flour and cornstarch and mix thoroughly.
3. Boil milk with vanilla extract on a medium heat.
4. Once boiled, pour into the egg mixture, then once cohesive-looking
pour back into the saucepan and continue to heat (on low) until the
mixture thickens significantly.
5. Pour back into a bowl and refridgerate for around one hour.
6. Roll out premade puff pastry into a rectangle of 1/2cm thickness
7. Spread cooled custard over the pastry, fairly thin, until most of the
pastry is covered.
8. Sprinkle the raisins evenly over the whole surface.
9. Roll the pastry lengthways, as tightly as possible.
10. Cut out rounds of 1cm thickness and place them face up on the baking
sheet, so you can see the swirls.
11. Cook in the oven for 20 minutes or until golden brown in
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