Since we're all stuck inside for lockdown, many people are currently baking to pass the time, including me! So, Curly Cooks is a series on the various items that I'm making while on lockdown, most of which will carry personal stories. Today's recipe is another pastry from my days in France: La Tresse au Chocolat (or Chocolate Twist).
Curly Cooks: La Tresse au Chocolat
Full disclosure, I didn't eat this a lot in France - if I had a choice
between chocolate or almond filling I'd always go for almond. But, it is a
French classic and a friend of mine requested that I try it, so, here we
are! It's basically what it sounds like: pastry, chocolate, twisted
You only need two ingredients: premade puff pastry and chocolate spread (of
your choice, I used plain but I'd recommend Nutella or whatever brand you
like best).
Then, cover it in your chocolate spread, as close to the edges as you feel necessary and as thickly spread as you'd like:
Finally, making sure the top is attached, twist the two strips of pastry
together to form the braid and make sure that it is stuck together nicely at
the bottom:
Put it on a prepared baking tray into a preheated 180C oven for 20-30
minutes, until it's crispy and cooked through.
Cut yourself a slice and enjoy with a coffee and pretend you're in Paris or
Toulouse and not rainy England.
Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 25 minutes Serves: 6
250g premade puff pastry
3tbsp chocolate spread
1. Preheat the oven to 180C and prepare a baking sheet.
2. Roll out the puff pastry nice and thin into a large rectangular
3. Put your chocolate spread onto the pastry and spread it out so it covers
most of the surface.
4. Roll the pastry up and then cut it down the middle (vertically) so you
have two long strips.
5. Twist the two lengths together, with the chocolate inside facing upwards
as much as possible.
6. Once twisted, put in the oven for around 25 minutes, until the top is
golden and the chocolate is bubbling.
7. Let it to cool, cut a slice and enjoy.
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