Curly Hair, What's in There? is a segment that will explore the random topics that are always circling my mind, things I want to talk about or things I want to share. LaLaLab So, about a week ago a got an ad on my instagram feed. You know how sometimes you get ads but ignore them, sometimes you get ads that you click on and go through some of the pages of what they're selling, but decide it's too expensive, or you even get to the checkout, only to find the deal isn't what you thought it was? Well, LaLaLab is an ad that I do not regret clicking on. LaLaLab Logo I was intrigued by the idea of cheap photo prints; I think the ad was showing me the photostrips which are something I love, and having small, polaroid-style pictures around my room seemed like a nice way to decorate it; make me feel at home. So, I clicked on the link, uploaded some of my favourite pictures (to be honest I picked a lot from my boyfriend's visit because he'd literally just left P...
Thoughts, feelings and general ramblings of a curly haired gal