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Curly Hair, What's in There?: Brooklyn 99 Season 6 Episode 9

Curly Hair, What's in There? is a segment that will explore the random topics that are always circling my mind, things I want to talk about or things I want to share.

Brooklyn 99 Season 6 Episode 9: The Golden Child

Ok so Brooklyn 99 is possibly the best show ever. It is consistently funny, topical, heartwarming, and just very unproblematic in general. This week, an extra added bonus perfect character was introduced through the part of Lin-Manuel Miranda. It was a great episode, so let's review.


If I haven't mentioned it before I love Lin-Manuel Miranda. He is a treasure, everything he does is a gem and he is an actual ray of sunshine in human form. In this episode, he plays Amy's older brother David. If you haven't watched the show, Amy Santiago (Melissa Fumero) has seven older brothers, who she has always competed with, and David is, you guessed it, the Golden Child; the most accomplished and the one that their mother is always proudest of. So Amy, the perfectionist that she is, does not like him. 

First off, irrelevant to the story as always, the cold open kills. Jake (Andy Samberg) is tasked with keeping the notoriously messy Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) clean for his appearance in court. He argues with Captain Holt (Andre Braugher) over this impossible task until Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) comes in and informs them that Hitchcock was startled by their fight and has already spilled two jars of spaghetti sauce all over himself. This is the sort of comedy gold you get from the show; it is so simple and stupid yet so funny.

When the episode starts, we are introduced to Amy's disdain for her brother, as her and Jake, who is also her husband, have to go to dinner with David and their mother. Amy is nervous to get there early, to make a good impression on her mother, but David arrived an hour early, so that's strike one for Amy. Jake attempts to talk her up but everything he says prompts a one-up for David: she passed the sergeant's exam, but David is a lieutenant now, for example. Strike two. Out of panic, Jake decides to fake choke so that Amy can show off by saving his life. David is highly qualified, so of course his mother pushes him to save Jake's life, prompting a round of applause from the rest of the restaurant. This is Amy's strike three, and she walks away angry. But, when she returns, David is being taken away by police as they found drugs in his desk. Amy, is of course devastated. Oh did I say devastated? I meant thrilled. She is now the number one child and there's nothing David can do about it.
But, it turns out there is, because David claims to have been working against the Brazilian mob and believes a mole in his precinct planted the drugs there. Back to angry Amy. So, Jake and Amy decide to help David to make things right, because it's the right thing to do, and not because an alive David is better than her mother having a shrine to him after he is killed heroically in action. They go to the Brazilian mob's club, distract the guards with a legendary Santiago dance-off ending in Amy attempting, and failing, a death drop ('but the girls on Drag Race make it look so easy!') which allows Jake to get into the office.

In the end, they help David save the day and Amy accepts her brother, as she trusted him and didn't care about their relationship when Jake was in danger. She'd rather have an alive husband than be better than her brother. 

At the time all of this is happening, Charles (Joe Lo Truglio) is pitting Terry (Terry Crews) and Captain Holt against each other to see who will be best to portray a criminal in order to get information out of a perp that they have in the holding cell. They are both very competitive and the whole story is very funny. In the end they both blow their cover, and Rosa gets the information from him instantly, as she makes a much more believable criminal, especially since the perp thought their whole operation was over. Not only is the competition funny, but the situation brings out some amazing outfits.

I love this episode for many reasons, firstly because of Lin and his excellent portrayal of David, who seems little like him in real life, and is a very entertaining character. Lin is all about social media, keeping up with the times and staying relevant, whereas David 'I don't follow popular culture' Santiago doesn't get Amy's Drag Race reference or any of Jake's film jokes. The second reason why I love it is because of the side of Jake and Amy that he brings out. They are extremely supportive of one another and their relationship seems so perfect. Instead of telling her to take the high road, Jake encourages Amy to try and best her brother, he wants everything for her and will do anything to ensure that she gets that. I love that the end of the episode is Jake, very riskily, shouting at her mother, telling her to do better and appreciate Amy, while David just sits there enjoying the insults.
Jake is willing to risk his relationship with his mother in law for Amy to be happy, and she is willing to risk her pride and competition with her brother for Jake to be safe, and it sums up everything I love about their relationship.

We all know that Lin is a B99 superfan, so his role in this episode was long awaited and he pulled it off magnificently. He is the perfect older Santiago and I really hope we get to see him come back. A good deal of the cast live-tweeted the episode, and Lin even came back from his twitter hiatus to join in. You can see all of their amazing tweets by searching the hashtag #BrookLIN99 (amazing punnery I know). If you haven't seen the show, I hope this encourages you to watch it as it is amazing. 
Some of the best include:

I'll probably do more articles on this perfect show, because I love it so much and rewatch it so often, so look forward to those!

Don't forget to follow my socials to keep updated: 
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facebook : Curly Hair, Who Cares
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