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Curly Hair, What's in There? Frozen 2

Let’s talk about Disney! I saw Frozen 2 the other day and loved it so I want to discuss. Spoilers, obviously.

Curly Hair, What's in There? Frozen 2
Poster for the movie

Frozen 2 follows the events of the first movie with Elsa as queen of the happy kingdom of Arendelle, Anna and Kristoff content as ever and Olaf just being Olaf. It starts with a flashback to Anna and Elsa as children playing 'enchanted forest' with the ice powers, and their parents tell them a story about a real enchanted forest and the spirits of the four elements and their mother sings a lullaby which, when you think about it, foreshadows the whole movie. We then skip forward to present day where Elsa is hearing a voice calling her and although she doesn’t want change she’s drawn to it. So, when the kingdom starts to ruin she decides she needs to follow the voice and save the kingdom, by travelling to the enchanted forest. Here she discovers histories and secrets of Arendelle she’d never before known. I don’t wanna spoil it too much, but, it’s super cool.

The songs in this movie are great. Like obviously the original is a classic and it’s hard to beat Let It Go, but the songs are really good. I especially love Kristoff's song Lost In the Woods (covered in the credits by none other than Weezer) as it’s a crazy 80s power ballad and it’s so extra and so cheesy, with a great message as well so I love it so much. My other favourite is The Next Right Thing; it comes at such an emotional point of the movie and it hits so hard, plus Kristen Bell is the best.
Kristoff in the movie
The new characters are great too, not only do we get to know Anna and Elsa's mother better, we also meet the Northuldra, the indigenous group who live in the enchanted forest. These natives are based on the SĂ¡mi, an indigenous Scandinavian group with whom Disney actually worked closely in order to respectfully portray Scandinavian cultures and customs. These characters are great, plus one of them teaches Kristoff about a good proposal involving a lot of reindeer which is pretty funny.
The Northuldra
The twist of finding out the fifth spirit, I won’t lie, is pretty predictable (spoiler alert: it's Elsa) but it’s still a great moment as you’ve seen her interact with and tame the other four (air, earth, fire and water) but because of all that it is kind of predictable. plus the spirit of her mother singing to her on the island is like ohh yeah that’s basically everything she was singing about in the lullaby at the start.

In the end of course they save the forest and Arendelle and everything is happily ever after with Elsa staying in the forest and Anna as Queen of Arendelle. It’s a satisfying ending to an overall good film.
Also, the Northuldra woman who was advising Elsa before she went across the Dark Sea? Def her girlfriend and if she’s not i’ll be having words with Disney.
A still from the movie

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