Since we're all stuck inside for lockdown, many people are currently baking to pass the time, including me! So, Curly Cooks is a series on the various items that I'm making while on lockdown, most of which will carry personal stories. Today's recipe is one I invented as a child: Booboos.
Curly Cooks: Booboos
When I was younger, I used to enjoy watching my mum bake all manner of sweet
treats for my brother and me. At maybe three years old, I decided to invent a
recipe of my own, which ended up being named Booboos. Now as a three year old
I obviously didn't understand the necessities and intricacies of baking, so I
just wrote a bunch of random baking words that I knew and my mum interpreted
it to create these biscuits. This is my original recipe card:
Shocking penmanship and spelling I know, and a flawless method. If you can't
read my handwriting (unsurprising tbh), it says Resapy for Booboos:
shuger/butter/mix/flower/coco powder/mix/something even I can't
understand/cook in the oven (/ovon?) not sure what's going on next or why it
randomly says the word little. You can see that this is a horrific attempt at
writing a recipe but my dear sweet mum basically decided that it was chocolate
shortbread with a chocolate button on top. Sometimes I feel bad that she had
to deal with little me but in all fairness I was a little icon, if a bit crazy
(ok very crazy lol).
Anyway, that's the story of how Booboos were born. Now, the recipe.
Preheat the oven to 180C and prepare a baking tray (or two).
In a bowl, put 100g of butter, 150g of plain flour (flower) and 30g of cocoa
(coco) powder. Mix it together with your fingers, until it forms a
breadcrumb-like consistency:
Next, you can add in the 100g of sugar (shuger) and beaten egg, and mix it up
until it forms a dough.
You may need to add some more flour, as I did, in order to make it a
workable dough. Next, flour a work surface and knead your dough until it
looks vaguely solid and rollable. Then, you can wrap it in clingfilm and
refridgerate it for 10-20 minutes. When it comes out the fridge it should be
cold and hardened a fair amount.
Now, flour your work surface again and roll out the dough to an even
thickness, about 1-2cm. Using a small, fluted cookie cutter, make rounds
and then reroll the dough to make as many as you can.
While they cool you can make the icing. Mix a small amount of water with a
couple of spoons of icing sugar and a sprinkle of cocoa powder. Add more
icing sugar as necessary to thicken the icing enough that it looks
Once the cookies are cooled, put a small amount of the icing in the
centre, then stick a chocolate button on top while the icing is wet, so it
Display them however you see fit: I used these cute little plastic plates
as they are what we used to use as kids when we had a 'picnic' (usually a
blanket in the living room with toys and small amounts of food).
And enjoy! They look and sound ridiculous, but they are pretty tasty, if I
do say so myself.
Prep time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 15
minutes Makes: 30 biscuits
100g butter
100g sugar
1 beaten egg
150g plain flour
30g cocoa powder (plus an extra sprinkle for the icing)
20g icing sugar
1tbsp cold water
Chocolate buttons
Preheat the oven to 180C and prepare a baking tray.
Using your fingers, mix together the butter, flour and cocoa powder until it
forms fine breadcrumbs.
Add in the sugar and egg and mix it together to form a dough, adding more
flour as you see fit until it is more doughy.
Knead it on a lightly floured worksurface and then wrap it in clingfilm and
place in the fridge for 15-20 minutes.
Once chilled, roll out the dough on your floured work surface and cut out
small fluted rounds.
Bake in the oven for 12-15 minutes.
While they cool, mix together the icing sugar, extra cocoa powder and the
water and mix it up to form a thick icing.
Once cooled, put a small dollop of the icing in the centre of each biscuit and
then press a chocolate button into the icing to make it stick.
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Cooks videos!
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